Why Fernweh

Normally, this page is where the author introduces him, her or themselves. Since these narratives will essentially be just for my family and friends, you already know who I am. But maybe there are some things you didn’t know…

I’ve loved travel all my life.  Seeing new vistas, exploring new landscapes, meeting new people. Mostly it’s about the natural world and all the amazing beauty of planet earth. Wanderlust is in my blood. I chose Fernweh because I love the word and what it means: an ache for distant places, a craving to travel.

The idea of this blog evolved out of a desire to share thoughts and experiences of what, for me, will be an epic journey across northern Spain. As I worked on the design and development, I came to realize I may have the opportunity to experience and share more than one Camino; or maybe not just another Camino but other journeys. Hence “Fernweh Tales”.  I am not a writer but hopefully you’ll enjoy my stories just the same.

Travel opens our eyes, our minds and our hearts. It expands our horizons. Not only in the literal sense but it allows us to see that, no matter where we live, what language we speak, what food we eat; we all seek the same thing. To live, to laugh, to love. In peace. I hope whoever reads this will be inspired to seek out new horizons. And if that’s not possible, I would love to have you journey along with me here.


The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”Saint Augustine