The Camino de Santiago – also known as the Way of St James – began as a Christian pilgrimage in the Middle Ages traveled (mostly) by Europeans. Pilgrims walked the route in hopes of reducing punishment for their sins. (This should be one of the reasons I’m walking – ha.)

There are many routes to Santiago, but the most popular is the Camino Frances which begins in St Jean Pied du Port in France; a distance of 790 km (almost 500 miles). Today, pilgrims from all over the world undertake this journey for various reasons – not necessarily religious. There are plenty of churches and cathedrals to see and visit; but there is also so much history.  Old castles, parts of the Old Roman road, and the oldest human remains in Europe (over 800,000 years old!)

Why am I doing it?

I have always loved traveling – the adventure of it, exploring, being on an airplane, seeing new landscapes and amazing architecture. I do love to walk. Being outdoors in the fresh air and breathing in all the fragrances of each season cleanses my soul. And I’m ever curious about what’s down the road or around the next corner because it could be something really cool! (During one trip to Kauai, Jeff & I were driving on a very rutted road. After a mile or so, he thought we should turn back; but I kept saying, ‘just a little further’…  And at the end of five s-l-o-w, jarring, extremely pot-holed miles was the absolute best beach on the island!)

But there is also something mysterious and spiritual about the Camino that pulls me. After watching the movie, The Way, all those years ago, I was entranced. I said ‘I have to do this’.

Do I think it will be easy? Not a chance. I think it will be challenging. But I’m up for it. In fact, I’m psyched!

Wonder what I’m taking?  Here’s a snapshot of the contents of my backpack.  A couple of changes of clothing, electronics, toiletries/towel/meds, first aid kit, my sleep set-up (a silk liner and lightweight blanket) and a journal/watercolor kit. I’m carrying it in a Deuter 45+10 backpack and altogether it will weigh about 17 lbs.  I’ve carried almost 30 lbs on backpacking trips so this should be easy, right? Will let you know on that. 😉

We’ll get up early – sometimes before the sun – walk until early afternoon (on average about 13 – 15 miles), find our hostel, shower, do our laundry, chill with our journals/blogs, socialize, have food (and wine!), go to sleep and start all over the next day. For about 40 days.

That’s the plan!

One and a half weeks to go!  Next stop, Madrid!



“Someday we will find what we’re looking for or maybe not.
Maybe we’ll find something much greater than that.”